19 and 20 Febbraio 2006

Only a page or two pages for these beautiful litters ?... Difficult to say ... Two litters ... But so close .. And both are close mothers and pups!

Three kittens from Phalbala were born on Feb. 19 2006

While the two babyes from tuiska were born the next day, February 20 ... Only two beautiful and fatty babyes

We had an hard work to do to keep them separate , at least until it could distinguish well what were the phalbal's babys or tuiska's ...


they do not cooperated at all -_-"

for two weeks we have preferred to keep them in separate rooms ... ... But now presentations

Phalbala's Babyes:

Mister Scooby Doo.. Blue Point

Memole - Lilac Tabby

Magic Love Magicabula Seal Tabby Point

I cuccioli di Tuiska Tuiska's babyes :

Ma Cherie Blue Tortie Tabby or Blue Tortie Point

Mon Amour Cream Point o Cream Tabby point

It is wonderful to see how Phalbala and Tuiska take care for all their kittens

Tuiska's Girls

Phalbala likes to take them all for her

Someone eats a lot a grow a lot...He's Mon Amour called "the wild giant " :o)

His sister wants to eat but waiting for milk to come...it's better to eat the blanket...in the meantime...

Yaaaawn....I'm waiting for too long!

But it's better to stay awake and look around for one of the moms to bring the milk

and make trasure of the moments when Mon Amour is sleeping!!

Scooby does its greetings to all the brothers...

For he's the little one but he's so sweet!!

Memole looks like her mom, she has her own way to look at you..HER OWN SPECIAL WAY!

She's a good profile and BIIIIG feet!

Looking for love!!

Magic is.... Magic(!) ... Curious ... Affectionate ... Nice: o) often likes to stay belly up t to look at the world ... I would like to know what he thinks

His eayes are so dark and he's the dreaming look...

It's so beautiful to think about "my" babyes happy and healthy!

Of course Uncle Gullyhas an hard job to do...but he takes time for all...for moms too!!

a sweet embrace...

a lovely bite...and here you are in our little lovely world again...welcome you are!

One Week Later ....

ma Cherie
Mon Amour
Magic Love Magicabula


Mister Scooby Doo

45 days :

MAGIC "I'm a little bit worried: they say I'm growing , they say I have to leave...uhm I have to do something .. "

"uhm...I'm looking for a solution, but maybe it will be not so bad to go around the world living new adventures...don't you think so?"

"come here...I would like to smell you...maybe you like me...but I'm not so sure..."

MEMOLE: "WOW someone told me maybe I will go Abroad...I'm a Vip! "

"..they always look at me, my profile, my socks, my eyes...uffi.... "

" ...and then they tell me I'm wonderful...Puuurrrr... "

SCOOBY: "I don't wanna go away! I stay so well here with my bear...."

".I enjoy myself. "

"...and I think It's not the moment to think about go away...so on two feet...or ehm on 4 feet...!!!"


" I know the secret to stay, I will be tender...good, easy, I'm a HeartBreaker!!"

"ghgh I'm laughing so much..I think they will not give me away...Naaaa"

MON AMOUR: "My names says all...It will be difficult for mom Taty to let me go away...but I think I will stay always in her heart.."

" I know I will have a ne friend chocolate...good!!"
" It's me or it's the bear...I beg you don't distinguish us!!"


Almost 2 months old : Ma Cherie


Magic Love Magicabula


Mon Amour

Mister Scooby Doo


(c) Copyright Amazing Dreams