announce the birth of 4 babys on 9 luglio 2001


Cipria is on her 69°day of preganncy, and I'm really scared thinking about a caesarean Birth, I'm on the sofa close to her, waiting for 4 p.m. to bring her to the vet...But al 1 p.m. she stars having contractions. She " brings me" in MY room and goes under MY blanket. I keep her aout and try to put her in HER cat Bed.

But she stops I feel so sad to eat my nails ...but contractions start again, and she goes AGAIN under my blanket, so I fill my bed of towels and so on! In few times Cipria give birth to 4 lively babys : 3 seal point boys : Elia, Eliot ed Eros and a sweet girl :Emmamay


Elia and Eliot



Emma "big"

Cipria and Emma

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